Hummingbird Communications

Integrated Communication Solutions Specializing in Reputation Management and Environmental Remediation
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A full service public relations firm with over two decades of broad experience in the global energy industry.  Providing clients with ethical, effective, expertise to address public affairs related challenges and opportunities in any industry sector.

A full service public relations firm with over two decades of broad experience in the global energy industry.  Providing clients with ethical, effective, expertise to address public affairs related challenges and opportunities in any industry sector.


ethical | ˈeTHək(ə) |


  • relating to moral principles that govern behavior


    effective | əˈfektiv |


    • successful in producing a desired or intended result 

    03. Expertise

    expertise | ˌekspərˈtēz |


    • having or involving authoritative skill or knowledge in a particular field

    01. ETHICAL

    ethical | ˈeTHək(ə)l |


    • relating to moral principles that govern behavior


    effective | əˈfektiv |


    • successful in producing a desired or intended result 

    03. Expertise

    expertise | ˌekspərˈtēz |


    • having or involving authoritative skill or knowledge in a particular field

    Investing in Emergency Preparedness and Business Continuity  

    The coronavirus [COVID-19] has disrupted businesses and everyday life across America. If you are a company without an emergency preparedness and business continuity plan then you are likely playing catch up, panicking and reacting to the situation instead of proactively implementing practices to help your business manage the crisis.  From decisions about how and when to communicate with stakeholders, managing cash flow, security, and insurance, to critical operations, succession, recovery and more, these plans can mean the difference between survival and failure. An investment in emergency preparedness and business continuity planning is an investment in the future of your business.